“We cannot solve our problems with the same

thinking as we used when created them.”

– Albert Einstein

I believe in people

 I have a passion for developing people and organizations. I believe strongly in people and that they actually make (or break) the organization. An organization is more than (just) the logo, the façade of a building or the modern office. It is the people with whom the customers talk, who shape the culture, who drive innovation and make the company successful. They are the ‘spark’ in every organization.

Every organization today faces the challenge of reinventing itself in this unprecedented time. Now more important than ever, it is important to reach the full potential in the organization. By keeping engagement and trust at a high level, organizations can successfully navigate this new era.

As a partner in change, I support CEOs, HRM Directors and founders of medium to large companies, to meet the (organization’s) challenges and grow together with them, the people and the organization.

With extensive experience in organizational development, leadership development and change, where I have always worked closely with senior leaders, I am the right partner to transform successfully.

Which TOPICKS  are top of your mind today? Let’s meet and discuss how we can drive growth in your organization. 

How can I support you?

Partner in change – change together succesfully, ready for the future

Sustainable change with speed. This requires vision, leadership and employee engagement. As a partner in change I support your organization in the transformation, by connecting people with the vision, making full use of the potential of the organization (the people) and successfully change together. In a sustainable way by learning together, investing in the skills of leaders, teams and employees, so that the entire organization is agile and ready for the future.

Offer: program manager, change facilitator, change coach, workshops & interventions.

Leadership Development – Strong leaders balancing development and results 

Leaders navigate in a reality that is complex and ever-changing. In today’s world, we where we can no longer rely just on our past experiences.

As a leader, you have the important task of connecting, inspiring and removing the barriers so that teams can achieve results successfully. You create an environment, in which trust and safety are the foundation for employees to get the best out of themselves and thus deliver the best performance for the organization and it’s customers.

An important pre requisite is that you, as a leader learn to operate from your inner “compass”. To guide yourself and others with purpose and direction, rather than a detailed plan.

You have to be willing to let go of your need to know it all and instead use the collective intelligence to achieve a common goal.

Offer: designing and facilitating leadership programs, workshops for leaders with up to date leadership themes, 1 on1 coaching for executives.

Team development – creating successful teams to deliver peak performance

The whole is greater than the sum of its part. Dysfunctional teams cost a lot: they don’t deliver quality results, they cause delays, they disrupt the cooperation of other teams and they give a manager a lot of extra work and frustrations. Find the key to success by consciously working on team work together.

Offer:  team coaching, workshops with up to date themes about teamwork, facilitator of a team meeting, interventions for dysfunctional teams. 

Facilitator of events  – impactful meetings delivering results

A successful meeting is interactive, energetic and delivers the desired result. Whatever the theme: a kick off of a new team, start of the new business year or an employee event, I support you to design and facilitate a successful meeting where everyone is engaged and energized and delivers the results that you were after.

Offer:  designing and facilitating (strategic) meetings (on- & offline)

About Jackelien

I have more than 22 years of experience in the field of organizational- and people development, in two leading companies: ABN AMRO Bank and IKEA. In these years I have been able to contribute and add value in many different roles. Two companies that are in a completely different part of the spectrum. It says a lot about who I am and where I am now.

After studying Human Resources, I started my career at ABN AMRO, where I worked for 11 years. During this period I grew up from trainee to professional. An organization that liked to be top of class and innovative in developing the HR strategy. In 11 years I held several roles, from HR advisor to specialist in the field of Leadership, Development and Succession planning to Manager of the ABN AMRO Academy. And similar as growing up in real life, the life questions came: who am I, what do I want and what do I have to do here?

With those questions and all that I had learned, IKEA crossed my path. A company that operates from an inspiring purpose and truly lives it’s values. The 10 years working at IKEA have brought me closer to my own purpose. My believe in people and their potential to create a better world together. My role in life is to ensure that this potential can be fully unleashed, so  all, organization & people, can grow.

The positions I have fulfilled are closely linked to this: HR Manager at IKEA Utrecht, Competence & Leadership Development Leader, Talent Manager and finally as Transformation Manager, leading and implementing the Business Transformation within IKEA NL


With 23 years of experience in organizational development, leadership development and change, where I have always worked closely with senior leaders, I am your true and trusted partner to successfully transform. A few examples of projects I’ve realized:

  1. Leading the implementation of a complex organizational change/transformation as a partner in change of Senior Management.
  2. Designing a large kick off event (250 employees) for the start of the new organization with the theme: creating the new together.
  3. Developing and implementing a Future Leadership Program for future senior management positions, delivering future successors
  4. #StayStrong label: designed and delivered a platform to coordinate initiatives during the first COVID period, maintaining and increasing the trust and engagement of employees.
  5. Designing New Ways of Working appropriate to the new organization. Using Design Thinking methodology, solving some major frustrations of employees
  6. Designing and facilitating strategic (management) meetings related to vision development and team building.

“Jackelien is iemand die vanuit verschillende perspectieven naar situaties durft te kijken en de vraag achter de vraag stelt.”

“Integer, empathisch, vakvrouw met oog voor het gehele systeem”

“ Jackelien kan dingen verder brengen door haar pro-actieve houding en ‘stakeholder management’. Ze creëert gemakkelijk draagvlak voor een idee en krijgt de juist mensen mee.”

“Verbindend, innovatief, gepassioneerd en empathisch.”


Rogier van Otterloolaan 20
3604BH Maarssen, The Netherlands

KVK: 80790135
BTW: NL003489163B95